We offer a variety of webinars, as follow-up to the first four-phases: leadership and stewardship. and community discernment. These seminars provide continuing support for the "new way" of being church.
There are currently 17 seminars available on mission/ministry, finance, prayer, and relationship-building. This page offers just a few samples. Contact Us for more information. Mission in the Local ContextThis 4-hour seminar engages participants in an intentional review of your current core values, local demographics and how your ministry and mission are in harmony with your church’s divine purpose. Once clear on that, a tool is taught and utilized to provide concrete, short-term steps for accomplishing your mission goals.
New Ministry Start-Up
This 3-hour seminar offers a comprehensive review of the core values driving the start-up, the needs of your local context, the assets available or needed to meet those needs, and utilizes a tried and true tool for moving from dream to successful ministry.
Missional Budget DevelopmentThis 2-hour seminar facilitates a mission-centered approach to the budget which becomes a tool for stewardship of the fullness of the gifts present in the parish. Group discussion of servant-leadership, stewardship, and the current expenditures of the budget enables the facilitator to work with the vestry/leadership to fit the entire budget into four missional categories then create a visual and narrative explanation to share with the membership. This seminar offers a concrete follow-up to the SEOL curriculum and is especially suited for Treasurers and Finance Committees.
How to Talk to People About MoneyWe need to be able to talk to individuals in our church communities about money and its stewardship, yet many clergy and lay leaders in the Church find that difficult. Using discussion and role-play, this half-day seminar is designed to help a rector and her/his chosen lay leader to achieve a level of comfort and ease when talking to people about money. This 4-hour seminar is a natural next component of the Stewardship of the Entirety of Our Lives © (SEOL) initiative.
Contemplative Retreat:
CONTACT INFORMATIONThe Rev. Dr. Valori Mulvey Sherer, Executive Director
11 Wakefield Drive # 2301 Asheville, NC 28803 [email protected] |